View Full Version : Linked RVT not exporting

2006-06-09, 10:26 PM
I get a fatal error every time I try to export a sheet that contains an elevation of a linked rvt file. Plans alone seem to work ok.
Has anyone else experienced this?


2006-06-10, 04:37 AM
Is it possible that you also have a dwg linked and visible in the view? I have seen such behavior when a plan dwg is visible in an elevation or section view. It is essentially a "line" in the view and not obvious but seems to really make Revit mad.

Mr Spot
2006-06-10, 10:48 PM
I currently have a support request filed of a similar issue and it extends beyond elevations... It has been noted that a fix will not find its way into this release.

Annoying for us as we have to export out from each individual file then compile the information in AutoCAD for our consultants.

2006-06-11, 02:13 AM
I get the error with a clean project file containing just a few rvt objects.
It looks like file linking is still not quite 'there' yet.