View Full Version : Parametric Titleblock that moves text

2006-06-13, 07:34 PM
This is probably something simple that I do not know about, but I want to have a parametric titleblock family that each type is a different size 11x17L, 11x17P, 8x11L, and 8x11P. When the sheet resizes for each type, I want the text to move with it. I have no idea how to constrain, dimension, or lock text and labels?



Dimitri Harvalias
2006-06-13, 07:49 PM
Just create different titleblocks for each type. Load them all into your template and once you have them placed you can easily swap them out by right click/select all instances and then changing the type in the type selector.

2006-06-13, 07:55 PM
Thats what I had originally done, but I thought it would be nice to have one Titleblock i.e. 'Presentation" That can parametrically resize to 4 different sheet sizes... That seems like the Revit Way to me. Then if I change the Presentation Graphics I don't have to redo it for 4 different families.

All I need to do to make this happen is be able to lock text to a reference line...seems like a simple request... is this possible?

2006-06-13, 08:59 PM
Come on Steve Stafford - I need your help on this one! Can I do it or not? anyone?

Chris DiSunno
2006-06-13, 09:10 PM
Titleblocks are different from families. You're just going to have to make a titleblock for each sheet size and load them into the template as already suggested. That is what we do. It'll only take and hour at most then you change sheet size with a click and all the project and sheet data changes automatically.


2006-06-13, 11:37 PM
you can achieve the result you want using visibility settings. Essentially, create the individual sheet setups and use a visibility (y/n) setting in each type to control them??? Not quite the "Revit Way" but will work for what you are looking to do. So until you can dimension (and constrain) text this is the only way I can see to do what you want to do. (if I understand it correctly)

We generally just right click and select all instances and swap out...


2006-06-14, 03:21 AM
In our titleblock, I made groups with text and labels for our consultants. Each group has a visibility parameter so that the user can turn a particular consultant on or off. I have reference lines in each group and a dimension string with some parameters. In the family types, formulas controls each parameter based on the value of the visibillity parameter, and thus the spacing of the text (for instance if there is no Food Service and Landscaping consultants, these groups are made invisible and the dimension parameters are set to zero, thus moving the groups close together and centering all the consultants vertically on the titleblock.).

So to make text move, you have to group it together with a reference line and use dimensions and parameters attached to the reference lines. I started my experimentation in Revit building this titleblock, so you shouldn't find it difficult. This technique might get you close to your goal, although I can tell you that I don't think it's worth it to try manage all different titleblocks in one family file. It's easy to swop them out.

2006-06-14, 11:31 AM
Thanks david - Thats the answer I am looking for, make a group out of the text and a reference line, good thinking!


2006-06-14, 03:02 PM
I have done something similar in our titleblock by creating yes/no parameters to control whether my keynote box and/or plan legend box will show up to the right of the page and also made my titles for these areas and their linework instance based parameters so that they have control arrows when inserted into a project and you can just drag the size of your boxes back and forth. Also created an annotation for a stamp, containing editable text information when in plan i.e. name, exp. date etc., and controlled the visibility of that with a yes/no parameter. Also have built in editable consultant fields if there is a specific sheet that required referencing a consultant etc. So I am finding that by getting creative with importing annotation families, controlling visibility and creating parameters to control the position of things, you can make one productive little titleblock. But I think I would still create separate title blocks for presentation etc. there, I've done my rambling for the day. :)

2006-06-14, 03:25 PM
I appreciate everyone's input, and I do have different titleblock families for presentation vs. CD's etc. But it does not make any sense to me in this revit world to have to make different size families for every size sheet in the world.

revit should behave with titleblocks just as it does with any other family... it has no origin defined and you can't use reference planes... I'm not sure why.

This makes it extremely difficult to define the constants of a sheet and let the variables stretch with the sheet size.

If this would work correctly I could have a CD family w/ a catalog of every sheet size, a Presentation family with a catalog of every sheet size, and a Sketch family with a catalog of every sheet size.

I could lock the sheet number to always be 3/4" x 3/4" from the right hand corner, and the border to always be offset 1/2"

This way if I evolve my titleblocks, change margins, change font, change logo, change anything, I do it once for each titleblock family... isn't that one of the reasons we use revit.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, this should not be this difficult - Maybe if I make my sheets as curtain panels.....

2006-06-14, 05:31 PM
Maybe if I make my sheets as curtain panels.....
LOL! Tell me what pills you're taking so I'll steer away from them!

Yes, what you're saying about centralizing makes sense so you reduce the "Cad Management" maintenance. Now, couldn't you sketch a reference line, pin it and then just dimension to your titleblock lines from it and use label parameters which you can assign when you create different types? That should do it I think.

2020-09-24, 04:51 PM
I am just starting to create my companies title block and we are trying to get it so the Project Name and the Project Address can be "moved". I am trying to use the reference lines grouped with text and a length parameter but every time I try adjusting the length parameter the line work for the tile block moves and not the reference line / text. What am I doing wrong?

2020-09-24, 08:20 PM
The Project name and Project address are attributes of the title block, yes?

If so, make sure they're lock position property is set to Yes. (yes I know its counter-intuitive) You can move them by including them in the action set for either a stretch action or a move action attached to the linear parameter you're using to move the line work.

After editing attributes in a block editor you'll need to re-sync any inserted block with the now revised block definition. (ATTSYNC) Sometimes its safer to just insert a new one and test it.

2020-09-25, 03:41 PM
The best way to do this is to create a separate generic annotation family for each label, one for Project Name and one for Project Address. Then you can insert those two annotation families into the titleblock family and link the parameters to the ones in the titleblock family. Then you can dimension to the origin lines of the annotation families and adjust them as needed.

Also it appears MMccall answer has to do with AutoCAD titleblocks and not Revit.