View Full Version : Wall Types & Jambs

Henry D
2003-06-05, 02:59 PM
Two questions:

1) Just about all the information needed to draw and annotate a wall type is already defined in the wall structure dialogue box. It would save a lot of time if there was a way to have this information become a wall type detail. You would instantaneously have all the wall types for the project drawn up. Is there a way to do this?

2) Is there a way to get the door or window to recognize the thickness of the wall into which it is inserted so the jamb width can appear in the schedule? There would also have to be a formula to adjust the jamb width since it wouldn't be exactly the same as the wall thickness.

2004-06-16, 06:39 PM
I've also been looking for a way to automatically communicate wall thickness information at door inserts. This would be very useful since you could list the dimension in a door schedule as the "throat" (for HM) or jamb dimension.

Scott Hopkins
2004-06-16, 08:58 PM
Two questions:

1) Just about all the information needed to draw and annotate a wall type is already defined in the wall structure dialogue box. It would save a lot of time if there was a way to have this information become a wall type detail. You would instantaneously have all the wall types for the project drawn up. Is there a way to do this?

2) Is there a way to get the door or window to recognize the thickness of the wall into which it is inserted so the jamb width can appear in the schedule? There would also have to be a formula to adjust the jamb width since it wouldn't be exactly the same as the wall thickness.
I think it may be possible. Create a jamb width parameter and then create a parameter that simply measures the wall thickness. Use a formula to set the jamb width parameter to be equal to the wall thickness parameter. Then use shared parameters to schedule it.

2004-06-20, 10:23 PM
I recently asked support about jambs/frames moving with walls. Previously I created ref planes such as: "ext edge" "int edge" and locked the sketch to those planes with a named dimension. This is not necessary now. It is now possible to just lock the sketch edge to the ext and int of walls and when the family is imported into project walls of various depth, the locked geometry moves with them.