View Full Version : New Project Similar to old project, What do I do?

Double 'A'
2006-06-15, 11:56 AM
Our firm has just finished a 3 story apartment building with typical suites throughout the building. Now we are doing a new project and all the suites are the same, but the footprint of the building has changed. My question is, how do I go about using my sections and details again? Modifying the existing building doesn't make sense, I would create a new building. Is there any people out there that have to create the same building over and over with different footprints? Do I create similar sections and copy my annotations and linework from my old sections to new? Just wondering if anybody can help.


2006-06-15, 01:16 PM
If you have Revit 9 you can save out view to be used in other projects. Just go File>Save To Library>Save Views.