View Full Version : How do you guys model Roof Crickets??

2006-06-16, 07:57 PM
Long story longer...

Made a roof, tapered all 4 swides down at -.25" towards the RD's, but now im trying to build the cricket in between and cannot derive what the best method will be. Tried a second roof extrusion but it doesnt taper in the second direction.

Soi far im thinking make a family with the necessary shapes tapering in all directions, just thought id see what you guys have done to get around this...

Heres a sample of my corny first attempt...

EDIT: Cant attach it, its too big, lol...

2006-06-16, 08:24 PM
I use the roof by footprint and a slope arrow from the corner at a 45 deg angle to the slope at at least 1/2" per foot, then see how they overlap(use Join geometry), then modify the sketch into a triangle following the join.

2006-06-16, 08:33 PM
Yeah that's what I've been doing in the past, as well. However it doesn't like to cooperate sometimes, depending on what parts and how much of the different roof objects are overlapping.

I did find out that when you have a 1/8" slope perpendular to a 1/4" slope, the resulting valley line is not actually 22.5 degrees as my boss and I both would have guessed. It's actually some decimal value a few degrees off of 22.5.

2006-06-17, 12:50 AM
It sure would be nice to get a cricket tool. Most buildings have roofs & cricket / flashing conditions. So, Why doesn't Revit BUILDING have more roof tools?

2019-10-13, 06:37 PM
Because Revit is a multi-level marketing idea outsourced to the 3rd world to make Autodesk more money, and doesn't actually give a **** about you or your need to model buildings. Isn't it obvious?