View Full Version : FOUNDATION SHELF

2006-06-19, 04:07 PM
I know I have seen posts on this before, but the searches have come up empty.

I need to show a cut out shelf at the top of my foundation wall to accept a exterior stone veneer. What is the best approach for this? I was thinking that I could start with a short conc. wall and then sweep a profile on top of it.

Does anyone have a better solution?

Thanks for the help!

2006-06-19, 04:18 PM
No need. See attached.

2006-06-19, 10:38 PM
You can use the "Host Sweep / Wall Reveal" tool to cut a reveal sweep (using your ledge profile needed) into the full height foundation wall.

Also you can edit / duplicate the wall properties and insert the wall reveal with the ledge profile into a newly created wall type.

2006-06-19, 11:33 PM
Advantage of the reveal method Mike mentions over the join geometry that Aaron proposed is that it can accurately represent an airspace. Advantage of Aaron's method is that you have one less wall type to manage.