View Full Version : Safe to install previous version w/ current?

2006-06-20, 11:35 PM
I currently have Revit Building 8.1 and 9 installed on my PC. Is there any reason why I am not safe installing Revit 8 now as well? Thanks in advance.

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-20, 11:46 PM
i too have 8.1 and 9 installed. I also have ADT 06, and07, and viz 06 and 07. I think at this stage of the game they are all fairly stable to all work together.

Can't say i have much experience with 8, but i have installed a training version on a machine and then 9.0 onto the same machine (forgetting about the 8) and everything seemed to be ok.


2006-06-20, 11:57 PM
Thanks, Justin, for your quick reply. I think I'm ok with multiple versions, but my only real concern is whether it will work to install an earlier version on top of 2 later versions.

Mr Spot
2006-06-21, 12:38 AM
It should still install. Just note your file associations will get reassociated to version 8. Meaning double clicking a file may result in the error stating this file was created in a later version...


2006-06-21, 12:45 AM
It should still install. . . . HTH.
Thanks. Now my problem is I thought I had copied the install file from our server when I left the office today, but I did not. My offisite backup copies have everything but 8.0, and I can't find anywhere on Autodesk.com to download previous versions.

Anyone have any ideas where I could get the Revit 8 install file? (I am a current Revit Building 9 subscription holder.)

Mr Spot
2006-06-21, 12:52 AM
I've got a copy of RevitBuilding8.0_20050523_2300.exe if there is someway i can get it to you...?

2006-06-21, 02:16 PM
My understanding is that you can have different major releases on the same machine but not "point" releases. For instance you could have 4.5, 5.1, 8.0 at the same time but you can't have 4.1 with 4.5 or 8.0 with 8.1, etc.. Proceed with caution.

2006-06-21, 02:44 PM
I have had 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0 installed and I haven't had any problems. Since I don't use 8.0 anymore I decided to delete it from my machine. Haven't tried installing a back version before though and I haven't heard of someone doing so either.

2006-06-21, 05:34 PM

I clicked on the "download 8.1" link and then changed it to 8.0 in the address. I clicked on this new "download 8" link and it started to download the exe file.

2006-06-22, 05:11 PM
My understanding is that you can have different major releases on the same machine but not "point" releases. For instance you could have 4.5, 5.1, 8.0 at the same time but you can't have 4.1 with 4.5 or 8.0 with 8.1, etc.. Proceed with caution.
I have again installed 8 in addition to my 8.1 and 9, and it seems to work fine. In fact, I didn't even have to put in my license or serial number again. I guess all that was still stored in my registry from when I had 8 installed previously. It is good to know that this does work.

I don't know if I mentioned my reason for needing to do this, but I'm teaching a Revit workshop at a local community college here in St. Louis, and they are not 1 but 2 versions behind there.