View Full Version : plotpack

2004-06-04, 03:28 AM
Does anyone remember where is the little floppy disk with a copy of PlotPack?

I am looking for the instructions to plot using the squiggle driver. I have found my diskette and I installed it. I can't remember how to set it up within R14.
Yeap! I find myself using R14 nowadays. Crazy!? When it comes to plotting, it's definately crazy. Another times is like walking around the office in my boxers.

I tried McNeel's website but, I could not find a single reference to PlotPack.

I would appreciate if someone help me remember how to use PlotPack. I am aware of other alternatives, but I am set to get this old diskette a shot.

Thank you very much,


2004-06-10, 10:33 AM

You may want to have a browse of the following 41 results obtained via a Google search -

41 Google results for "PlotPack AutoCAD" (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q=PlotPack&as_q=AutoCAD)

Have a good one, Mike