View Full Version : Tag with Question Marks

2006-06-21, 01:15 PM
I have 9.0 with the latest build and for some reason my parking tags are showing question marks for blank fields - please help!!!!!!!


2006-06-21, 02:44 PM
no one has any idea?!?!?!

2006-06-21, 02:46 PM
I have 9.0 with the latest build and for some reason my parking tags are showing question marks for blank fields - please help!!!!!!!

-dpthe tag you have used must have several parameters available - several of which have no values assigned to them, hence the question marks. There should be another tag that you can swap them out for with only the single value you want?

Scott D Davis
2006-06-21, 03:58 PM
Just fill in the value (replace the ?) and then all subsequent tags will fill out.

2006-06-21, 05:12 PM
Scott -

see the attached.

notice some of the tags fill out and the other ones that I want to leave as blank values for now, always show as question marks.

2006-06-22, 12:13 PM
brad? how bout this one?

Scott D Davis
2006-06-22, 03:33 PM
Scott -

see the attached.

notice some of the tags fill out and the other ones that I want to leave as blank values for now, always show as question marks.
Why do you want to leave some blank for now? If this is the casse, edit the tag, erase the fields you don't want to see, SAVAEAS a new name, then load into your project. Swtich the tag with the ?? for the ones without.

2006-06-22, 03:48 PM
Thanks for your ideas Scott.

I see that there are work-arounds, but I am going to be slowly filling in the question mark fields as time goes by, and i hate to have to change some of the tags (there are about 1000 spaces)

I have a tag that doesn't leave the question marks (see .pdf) but I cannot figure out why the one tag works fine and the other doesn't. whenever I change the good one and reload it, the question marks re-appear.

I attached the 2 tags as well - any help s much appreciated. My boss hates question marks on drawings.


2006-06-22, 04:25 PM
Why not fill out the ? with a full stop (UK) or "period"(US)

Scott D Davis
2006-06-22, 04:27 PM
Yeah, the ?? are not supposed to appear. This was fixed in about version 8.0. Have you contacted support about this? I think your good tag is a newer version, and the bad tag is an upgraded one from and older version.

2006-06-22, 04:52 PM
Just make an edit of the family seems to "upgrade" OK

2006-06-22, 07:20 PM
For some reason if I delete the 'box' lines in the good tag family and reload it, the question marks show up. If I leave the box with its visibility parameter, they go away.

Anyone seen this before

2006-06-22, 07:36 PM
Apparently with that tag I have to have the box on or it will display question marks, it shows the qm's even if I make the box lines invisible....

anyone have any idea why this is happening - i have this feeling that there is a legitimate reason....

2006-06-22, 07:50 PM

I tried making a new tag from scratch, it worked fine with out the ?'s until I deleted the default text in the template; then they showed up again.

i simply added a line behind the opaque text so that it never shows up in the drawing, then the ?'s disapper. I have no idea why this is like this, but it seems that for the tag to operate correctly as a parking tag, it must have some object within it of the 'parking tags' subcategory.

Thats all I can come up with, anyone have any more thoughts. atleast the ?'s are gone and you can stop reading my posts every 10 minutes.