View Full Version : hide certain door schedule info

2006-06-21, 01:49 PM
Alright, I need some help. Door 010 in the attached schedule. I need the door to show up, but I don't want to see the width and height dimensions (per the owner's request). I've tried white text on the sheet itself and within a drafting view to cover the original schedule text and the result is the black box you see here. I've also tried filled regions in a drafting view that I then place on the sheet, but the text still shows through.

Any suggestions? Again filtering out the door is not an option.

2006-06-21, 02:13 PM
I think if you check, Revit now has the ability to use conditional statements in parameters. Thus, you may try creating 2 new shared parameters (text, not length), call them "display_width" and "display_height," then use a statement that would say something like:

display_height = IF (MARK = "101A", " ", "``height``")

(This is trying to say if your door number is the one in question, use a blank space for the display_height, otherwise, use the value of the height.)

I have not found any decent documentation in the help about the various operators, but you might give this a try and do some research. It will make your door families more complex, though. Good luck.