View Full Version : X-Clips in linked DWG's not retained

2006-06-21, 04:41 PM
I just came across this issue and wanted to confirm with anyone that this is the way it is.

I have dwg files with x-refs in them that are x-clipped a certain way. The first problem is that the attached xrefs have relative paths and when the main dwg is linked in Revit, they don't come in with it. The short term solution is to specify a full path in the dwg file. This way all x-refs come in with the main linked file. The huge setback though is that Revit is ignoring the x-clipped regions and my drawings are now a total mess as I don't have control over cropping. First of all drafting views don't have crop regions. The solution could be a plan view with Revit categories turned off. But when a dwg is composed of several other x-clipped xrefs, there's no way of fixing this.

Please send your fixes/workarounds for this, or let mw know if I'm doing something wrong. My short term fix idea is to print dwf's from ADT and link those. Thanks!