View Full Version : Split Building, Linked Project.

2006-06-21, 09:03 PM
We're working on a large project between two offices locations (one on each coast). The project has two distinct functions i.e. office block and industrial block and luckily there is a clean separation wall between them. Accessing Central, whether opening the file, saving to central or reloading latest was killing our workflow and productivity.

So we plunged into splitting the project into two parts, one central file on one coast and the office model file at the other coast. Both offices are linking each others portion.

We planned on annotating each model independently For the most part, It seems to be working thanks to the ability to replicate linked view visibility settings. It does not however, want to display section and elevation tags from the linked model.

Am I missing a setting somewhere? If not, Is there a workaround for this. It would defeat the purpose of Revit and linking to have to create "dummy" section callouts for the linked model. Is it possible to have tags and their associated view come across when you load the linked model.

Thanks in advance

2006-06-22, 12:23 AM
I hate to be the first to burst your bubble, but what you have perceived is true.

Linked files only display the annotations of plan (floor and RCP) views. To assemble a single set of deliverables from two or more linked project files is not yet feasible.

An easier way to replicate views from project to project is needed. Linked views should automatically inherit the properties from their source. The crop region of a linked view should crop annotations as well as geometry. Section and elevation views must also display annotations.


2006-06-22, 09:27 PM
Another way to accomplish this integration would be to provide the capability to schedule and reference views in linked projects. This would eliminate the need for the creation of “dummy” sections and references, and allow the compilation of a single drawing list from multiple linked models.


2006-06-26, 06:23 PM

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I had a feeling that your answer was the case, but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something before we get too far down the road with our split model.

Stephan Gilges

2006-06-26, 06:40 PM
Another approach would be for the factory, or some third-party vendor, to provide a "replicated central file" synchronization tool. Such a tool would replicate the central file at several locations. The synchronizer would restrict access to particular worksets in particular locations. Every so often, the synchronizer would come through and synchronize the different versions of the central file.

...or perhaps this already exists?