View Full Version : columns and floor disjoin

2006-06-22, 05:07 PM
This issue has been going on for years on AUGI, but i think it's about time i revive it. When you begin a building and you lay out floors and columns, there is a bit of an issue, mainly visual: Floors lie in space such that their upper surface is in line with the respective level. Likewise, the upper plane of columns are in the same plane as the upper floor level. So when you look in 3D you can see the top of the column popping up into the floor! One option currently is to offset the height of the column. But why not have a preset parameter that would allow for attaching columns to floors and roofs. It wouldn't be any different than walls, i imagine. Can anyone think of any downsides to this? Why wouldn't this option exist? Thanks!

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-22, 05:49 PM
anyone using RBS can comment on how it attaches the columns to floors? Is the issue resolved there?
