View Full Version : Error Message: Failed to Open Document

2006-06-22, 07:29 PM
Occasionally in Revit 8.1, I've experienced graphics performance issues. When I select another view from the project browser, the screen doesn't actually change, though the view name at the top of the screen has changed. And when I change applications then go back to Revit, the previous image is where the Revit plan should be, etc.

Wouldn't worry me too much, except when I go to save, I get the error message: failed to open document. I can't save locally, I can't save to central....what am I missing (besides an upgrade to 9.0)?

2006-06-22, 07:51 PM
any imported adt drawings in this file?

2006-06-23, 03:07 PM
Nope. I've got dwg and some sat files and some rvt models.

2006-10-05, 09:56 PM
I have Revit 9.1 and I am experiencing the same difficulties.

2006-10-06, 02:24 AM
The only project I really had trouble with was a 150Mb project that was workset enabled with a number of DWG files, some native and some converted from DGN. It was sketchy when it would happen. Some days many times, other days not at all. We sent the file to Autodesk and it was too corrupt for them to do anything with. We just gave up and limped to the finish line on that project. Since then I've upgraded to 9.0 and only done small projects (20-30Mb) with no links, so it's apples and oranges. Never got any further with the problem, and haven't had it since. Sorry.

Since then I've noticed the same error message when the server on which we keep the central file goes down. I don't know if they're related, and what that has to do with being able to save locally...

2006-10-06, 12:24 PM
We have both issues here as well: The one where the view changes but the display window doesnt, and occasionally the *failed to open document* when we go to save. I think the saving issue is network related. It happens only on occasion here, and i have never duplicated to condition when saving a file to my local machine (or an iPod for that matter, lol).

The display issue happens in a couple of our 125 MB models, if i keep opening a bunch of different views and loading in new sheets. It happens rarely, and usually a reboot solves the problem. Hope this helps?