View Full Version : new building link between 2 existing buildings

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-22, 10:05 PM
I am starting a job where i have a parkade and a building and the owner wants to expand the building over to the parkade and join the 2 buildings.

From what i have read there is 2 options to set up the drawings.

1. each building is a seperate file and then linked toghether in a master. Downside is that you can't schedule anything in either building, and the renos that might happen in each have to be done in the original file.
2. put evertthing in one file. downside is that it get pretty big, and there is large portions of the building that i dont need.

I wouldn't mind having everything in one file, but i want to make sure that i am on the right path. All the thread i have read are more about campus or multiple buildings that are not attached, so i am looking for some help on this "link" job.



Mr Spot
2006-06-22, 10:15 PM
This would have been correct a few versions ago, but now you can schedule the information from the linked files no problems. The only thing you won't be able to do is tag elements from the linked files... There are workarounds for plan representations for doing this, if you need to tag something in section though you'll either have to resort to dumb tags or not tagging them.


Justin Marchiel
2006-06-22, 10:30 PM
so would you recommend that i link the files, or are you just clearing up my confusion? Do you have a preference on how you would set up the project?



Mr Spot
2006-06-23, 03:28 AM
Personally to give a valid preference i'd have to look at the actual files and the amount of interaction that needs to occur and what needs to be scheduled or tagged.

Most likely though i'd use the linked method...

Phil Read
2006-06-23, 03:45 AM
Separate files for building, parking and site. Put the connection in it's own file or any one of the other three.

My .03


2006-06-23, 04:51 AM
If the building is existing and the parkade is existing and the only new part is the connection between them, I would probably work in the connector part and link in the other two buildings. Just my .02

2006-06-23, 05:02 AM
Separate files for building, parking and site. Put the connection in it's own file or any one of the other three. My .03 -Philand my 2.5 makes 5.5 :smile: I'm with Phil!

2006-06-23, 09:41 AM
Just to round it off for 6.0! If it is practical . . . you could draw the link and what you NEED of the two buildings in one file (for tagging purposes) and link the remaining part of the buildings and site for other purposes . . eh?

As an aside, if you did this and did not have a good spot to hide the joint. Is it possible to "join" the two parts to make it seamless?

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-23, 05:37 PM
ok with 6 cents on the line, i think the best option is to have seperate building and link them toghether. The only thing that i worried about has the renovation work. It made sense to have everything in on file for this reno work, but the comment about having a small portion of each building draw seems like a logical one. The only issue is that now i would have to transfer this portion of building back to the record drawings of each building, which seems counter REVIT.

It seems like revit might not be able to handle this as easily as anticipated. I hope that the factory will look at tagging items in linked drawings. This would really help the work flow. The job i am working on is a hotel with multiple buildings around (like a campus i suppose). this way renos done to multiple building at the same time could be tracked and managed with more ease.

Thanks for all the help.


2006-06-25, 09:43 PM
Speaking of linking files,

I linked the interiors layout (walls, doors, etc) into the exterior wall, and roof file.
I copied the interiior layout 12 times to make the building. I also noticed the door tags do not come across with the link. How are others handeling this situation?

Mr Spot
2006-06-25, 10:48 PM
Speaking of linking files,

I linked the interiors layout (walls, doors, etc) into the exterior wall, and roof file.
I copied the interiior layout 12 times to make the building. I also noticed the door tags do not come across with the link. How are others handeling this situation?

In Revit 9.0 you can setup views to display "by linked view" and then picking an already annotated view from the host file...


2006-06-27, 01:05 PM
Where is this setting?

2006-06-27, 05:24 PM
The setting is in the visibility / graphic overrides dialog box look for Revit links tab and it is in there where you can control your drawing. Hope that helps.