View Full Version : Structural Plan View Properties

2006-06-23, 11:16 PM
I don't know why the factory chose to do this but if possible I would like it changed. Is there any way to have the factory change the "View Direction" property to an instance parameter. That or allow for structural Revit users to have ceiling plans. I don't know if there is any difference. I would prefer the first option because the plans would be categorized in the structural plan folder that way. I need this option to display my framing plans the way I want to. I need to cut my structural walls below the framing and still see the framing above the walls. The only way I can do this and get the shading to work is by having a ceiling plan or be able to change the view direction. I can attach pictures of what I want and how it is possible with my change request. PLEEEEEESSSSEEEEE factory, if there is any way.