View Full Version : Error when making Design Option Primary

2006-06-26, 02:32 PM
I have a Revit 9 file with 3 design options and I am trying to make one of the options the primary in order to accept it into the main model, but Revit will not make the option Primary. When I select it and then hit Make Primary it acts like it is doing it, but then nothing happens. In looking at the log I found these errors, but it is a little too cryptic to tell me what is actually causing the problem.

' DBG_WARN: findNewHostForElement returned an error processing class IndependentTag. This should only happen for corruption in the document.: line 756 of .DocViewPasteHelper.cpp.
' DBG_WARN: DesignOptionSet::makeOptionPrimary: found document corruption in findNewHostForElement(!): line 1906 of .DocViewDesignOptions.cpp.

Does anyone know how to resolve this?


2006-06-26, 04:55 PM
I had a similar problem a while back, and had to send the file to support for resolution. There were a few items that were causing confusion between the design options and I had to delete them (just some dimensions).

2006-06-26, 05:40 PM
See this thread:
