View Full Version : Dashed line looks solid one level above...

2006-06-27, 02:07 PM
Hello to all, i have a multilevel project, on the ground level i have some setback lines (dashed lines) and when i go to the upper levels i set the view range to see the ground level but the lines are not dashed, they look solid, any ideas why this happens ??

If i hoover on the line it highlights the line as beaing dashed but it looks solid...

Please help...thanks in advance.

2006-06-27, 03:46 PM
Detail lines are view specific, so if you go up one level (view), and adjust the view depth to the lower level, you won't see these lines. Most likely what you are seeing in the upper view is the underlying geometry you used to locate these lines.

You could cut & paste the lines from view to view.

2006-06-27, 03:50 PM
Check your scale settings. If they are too large the dash cannot be displayed. Also verify the line type is not overridden in the visibility and graphics settings for that view.

That being said, we use Reference planes for our setbacks, they display on all levels so there is no need for the view depth changing. They also display as green dashed lines so the people can see what they are for and we name the RP what the setback is dimension to them etc. Really useful tool. I noticed one the other day when working on a column detail and it was inside the building. It turns out the wall got bumped and crossed the setback, would not have caught it on the 1:30 site plan but it was plain as day at 1-1/2"