View Full Version : Cant create monolithic stair

Paul P.
2006-06-28, 08:36 AM
I'm trying to create a U-shaped monolithic stair, nothing very complicated but I get an error message saying, "Cant create monolithic stair" but the stair is created with only the treads showing and I can even change the thickness of the treads in the properties. Very strange.

I've sent in a support request but wanted to know if anyone had happen to them before or had an explanation.

Regards, Paul.

2006-06-28, 12:53 PM
We had this just the other day: We were trying to put winders onto an existing U-shaped monolithic stair.

The stair worked if we switched monolithic off, so we assumed that the problem was something to do with forming the monolithic stair soffit under the winders.

Edit: Now I've had another look at it, if the extra risers meet at a point, then Revit throws the error. If they are spaced out, then no error.

Paul P.
2006-06-28, 02:27 PM
Revitator, thanks for the reply, sort of discovered that myself. If you look at the first image its a U-shaped stair that works fine, the second image shows what I'm trying to achieve but it just wont have it no matter what I try. Will wait and see what support comes back with. Not holding much hope though.

Regards, Paul.

2006-06-29, 04:38 PM

I had a look at this again, following your screenshots. Stair A with the 75mm setbacks worked fine, as did Stair B with no setbacks. I only got errors with Stair C, where there's a diagonal winder. All in v9.0.

I'd upload the rvt file, except that it's too big. I tried purging it and it got bigger! I could email the file if you have a 'spare' email address?

Paul P.
2006-06-30, 08:32 AM
This is really strange because no matter what I try I cant get the one with the 75mm setbacks to work, I've tried using just the run tool and sketching the boundaries and adding the risers, no joy. I'll P.M. you with my e-mail address so you can send me your file if you dont mind.

Regards, Paul.