View Full Version : Keynoting and Linked Building Files

2006-06-28, 04:06 PM
My office is working on a multi building high school, of which, for file size purposes, we chose to go the route of linked buildings into a single main file. We've discovered that much of our annotation, done in the building files, comes cleanly across, including our keynotes. However, I can't seem to find anyway to SCHEDULE the keynotes in the main project file form the linked file, because the little check box I covet, the "include elements in linked files" on the keynote legend is grayed out.

Then, I tried simply creating keynotes in the main project file, but apparently the keynote routine requires objects, and the linked building file isn't good enough for it. Does anyone have any ideas on work arounds for this issue?

Ultimately, if this issue can't be resolved, keynoting is useless for multi building projects. I sure hope that isn't the case.


2006-07-27, 08:53 PM
This item is a huge issue here in our office. All we do is educational facilities. I'm in the process of setting up a project on an 80 acre site. This project has 14 buildings for a total square footage of 340,000. I've now run into the exact same step-by-step issue as Bigbleonard. Keynotes are useless across linked multi-building projects.

2007-10-08, 06:21 PM
Ouch! Not exactly what I was hoping to find when I searched for Kenoting linked files.

2007-10-09, 07:23 AM
This all goes back to the original premise of a Revit project, a single building. Linking started out for context, to allow other buildings to be assembled into a site plan and to show adjacency and for model data only. File linking has been steadily evolving to provide greater control with each release.

Complete knowledge between linked files creates havoc on the single database methodolgy for obvious reasons, separate data files, not to mention performance issues. That coupled with each new release and feature comes a whole new batch of user assumptions and expectations which will either confirm or confound the original design intent.

Not excuses, just perspective, what Revit is and will be is a moving target and we keeping moving the target and changing what the target looks like. Not "we" as a coherent mass speaking with one voice but as a disparate collection of people with the vague similarity of working in the same building profession. I suppose it would be a much simpler, but perhaps less interesting place, if we all did everything exactly the same.

2010-04-16, 07:07 AM
Dragging this one up again....anything further on scheduling keynotes across linked files....for those downloading 2011 today...is in doable?

Scott Womack
2010-04-16, 09:51 AM
Nope, it was not changed/inproved for 2011. Due to some of the underlying technology present in 2011, there is some hope for 2012?????