View Full Version : Viewport Scale field readout is incorrect

2006-06-28, 04:08 PM
ok, a co-worker has 2 sheets in his set that is incorrectly listing the scale of the viewports he's placing. between these and the sheets that work, the fields have the same settings. what i have them set to normally is 'use scale name'. what happens is the view gets placed from the source tab, r.click to select scale, and in this case, either 3/4"=1'-0", or 1 1/2"=1'-0". what we get in the view title is 1:16, or 1:8. it also stayed that way when trying to change the v.p. scale in the properties dialog box. I had to change how the field interpreted the viewport scale so he wouldn't have to re-build the sheets.
any ideas?

2006-07-13, 07:46 PM
I've got the same problem.
How did you change how the field interpreted the the viewport scale?
In 2006 the scale would read something like 1" = 200' now the closest I can get is 1:200 using 1:# format but if I use the "use scale name" it gives me .005000. This used to work properly in 2006 and previous. I'm sure it has something to do with the way 2007 also changes all my dwgs insertion scale to feet instead of unitless, which is the way I've been drawing for years.
I have my units set to decimal.