View Full Version : Building pads and phasing

2003-06-05, 10:13 PM
I've got a building pad that is created in Phase 2. In a perspective of Phase 1, the building pad (yes, the one that doesn't get created until phase 2) still cuts the topography.

Any way around this?


2003-06-06, 01:48 AM

What is the phase filter setting for the perspective in phase 1 ?


2003-06-06, 12:34 PM
Phase filter for the perspective is Phase 1.

2003-06-07, 05:32 AM
Phase filter for the perspective is Phase 1.

OK, I think when a building pad cuts a topo surface, the original surface is changed permanently. Viewing the "existing "or "previous" phase then shows the topo with a " hole" cut out for the pad which is in the future stage.

I've done a couple of tests and thats the way it behaves for me too. If I've got the wrong idea about this , someone chime in.


2003-06-07, 04:26 PM
My experience is the same. For any phase changes to topography, I have previously duplicated the entire surface. If you're just adding pads in phase two, you might consider splitting off that duplicate until you have a surface that coincides with your pad boundaries.

2003-06-09, 07:57 AM
I haven't toyed with this yet, but why not try doing a graded region with no change in the surface prior to inserting your pad, that way you get all the correct surfaces coming through as a new phase and I imagine the pad will insert properly.