View Full Version : Wall wrapping at inserts

2003-06-06, 11:04 AM
Is there any way for editing the appearance of walls wrapping at inserts? I've an exterior wall with two brick layers with air and thermal layers between them. I want the air and thermal layers to be closed at windows and doors. However, the only way seems to put one of the brick layers outside of the core, which is a problem because it trashes floor alignment and other features where core faces are needed.

I also found that wrapping happens from the wall centerline to either the interior or exterior (or both). Is there a way to wrap the exterior till the interior rather than the centerline?

2003-06-06, 01:48 PM
Re: wrapping at centerlines

Open a door / window family file that will be used within the project. Determine the position in the wall where the material(s) will wrap to and sketch reference plane in that location, (you could assign a parameter to the Ref. Plane so you can control the position when loaded into a project, this will allow you to control the ref. plane position when changing to different wall types that are of varying thicknesses). Next step is to select the Ref. Plane and go to the Properties. Put a check in the box of "Wall Closure" parameter. This is the location of where interior and exterior layers within a compound wall will wrap.

Note: Only one Ref. Plane can have the "wall closure" parameter set to yes. If a second Ref. Plane has wall closure set to yes, the second Ref. Plane will supercede the first.

In a project when editing the assembly of a wall, default wrapping at inserts sets the position of interior / exterior wall layers within the compound wall. There are four choices Do Not Wrap, Exterior, Interior and Both.

Also note that doors and windows have a wall closure type parameter By Host, Neither, Exterior, Interior and Both. You can have different door types set to different wall closure values.

If wall layers are not wrapping as desired you can use the edit cut profile tool to reposition the walls layers.

I hope this helps.

2003-06-06, 04:50 PM
I didn't know the "wall closure" parameter. Thanks for telling me. I've modified all my windows, adding a movable reference plane as you said.

Unfortunately, I'm still not happy with the result. Using the "edit cut profile" tool per-window is too much work for a dude who is running away from AutoCAD.

I need to close my air+thermal layers by wrapping the exterior brick layer towards the interior brick layer. The only way I found for doing it automatically is to put the exterior brick outside the core. Unfortunately, I need to align floors with that brick layer, so I need it inside the core :(

I'll continue studying these walls... :banghead:

2003-06-06, 05:25 PM
Unfortunatly, the Revit wrapping system is not as complete as the ADT end caps. You may want to look at detail componets to mask the square cut wall and provide you with the detail you need. This will have no effect on the model, but will provide the correct plan view.

You migh also be able to incorporate this wrap detail condition in the door/window/opening family for automatic insertion. This is on my to-do list to try out, I just haven't had the time to test it...

2003-06-06, 06:04 PM
I just thought that I could use reference planes for floors alignments instead of walls core faces. This way, I can put the exterior brick layer outside of the core (this is a big lie, but it generates the wrapping that I need). What I don't know is that if using such a false core could have another consequences apart from alignment...

Martin P
2003-06-09, 08:28 AM
The best thing to do is ignore the Revit wall wrapping thing - as you have to adjust the core boundaries . Now that you can use detail components in a family, you simply create the exact wall closure you would like as a detail family, using invisible lines where it overlaps with the wall. Load it in to the window family, and place it where you need it. Every time you place the window the closing detil will be there.

2003-06-09, 10:57 AM
The best thing to do is ignore the Revit wall wrapping thing - as you have to adjust the core boundaries . Now that you can use detail components in a family, you simply create the exact wall closure you would like as a detail family, using invisible lines where it overlaps with the wall. Load it in to the window family, and place it where you need it. Every time you place the window the closing detil will be there.

I'll try your advice, although I've already begun to work with the "false core" trick. I always try to make Revit do the work for me 8)