View Full Version : Sheet set manager, best way to handle Details and Sections

2006-07-06, 02:46 PM
I have asked this question before on other forums and have never gotten a decent response.

My office is in the process of finally switching over to AutoCAD 2006. I have finished configuring the software and have even done a few test projects with it. I really like the new sheet set manager and the concept of resource files and plot sheets and want the office to use these new features. But I am still not sure of the best way to handle details and sections using the sheet set manager / drag and drop view.

With plan, elevations, and cross sections it is a no brainer. I have a resource file for each one, and in that file I have saved views that I can drag and drop onto a sheet through sheet set manager. As an example, I have a resource file for exterior elevations & building cross sections. In model space all the elevations and cross sections are lined up from left to right to that all the floors line up. I window each elevation and section, save it as a named view and then drag and drop that view onto a sheet. Plans are similar. At the most I may have 7 or 8 different view of various exterior elevations and cross sections on that one resource file. Because of the quantity and the size and scale of those views it is very easy to make sure they have all been placed on a sheet. It would be very obvious if the east elevation was missing from the drawing set. But I still haven’t figured out how to deal with detail.

Currently I am thing that it would be best to create detail / section resource files based on detail / section type. One resource file for wall sections, one for millwork details and so on. I would then create a saved view of each detail in those resource files and drag and drop them onto sheets. Sounds good so far. But unlike exterior elevations / cross sections, there may be up to 20 or 30 details / saved views in some of these detail/section resource files. I could easily see a resource file containing plan details to have upwards of 30 plus detail / views on a large project. How do you track those details? My fear is that some of the details in the resource files will never get placed on a sheet. Is there a way through sheet set manager that you can list what views have not been placed on a sheet?

I would love to hear how other offices handle this.

2006-07-06, 05:30 PM
Tim, I'm going to move this from the CAD Management forum to this one, as I believe it will be better served here. Thanks. :)
My fear is that some of the details in the resource files will never get placed on a sheet. Is there a way through sheet set manager that you can list what views have not been placed on a sheet?

I would love to hear how other offices handle this.

2006-07-06, 06:09 PM
i did the same thing almost 2 years ago.

i have my wall sections in same file as building sections, and have those detailed enough to also pre-name views for the details. reason i have them together is that if building section changes, it's easier to coordinate relevant changes to wall sections.

there doesn't seem to be a way to highlight 'missing' placements of views that i know of.... it's still pretty much tied to the user following thru with placement after creation.

only thing i can think of is to name views with a number suffix, that way you should be able to have a master list (of sorts) and be able to tell if a number is missing during document review.