View Full Version : Cutting Sections in 3D Models

2006-07-11, 02:06 PM
In my last job, I have not had the opportunity to do much 3D. I have a new job and have been able to put together a couple simle 3D drawings. Of course, i use the one model and dimension it in all views turning off layers in corresponding viewports. My question is what is a good way to section the solids in another viewport? I used the section command, but that takes a thin slice out of the solids instead of creating a section. i also saw sectionplane, but i could not figure out the best way to set that up. Thanks for your help!


2006-07-11, 06:42 PM
The quick and dirty cheat is to make a copy of the model and SLICE it.
The recommended method is to use SOLVIEW, SOLDRAW, SOLPROF - look them up in help, they're a bit complicated to explain.
I use the DVIEW command and the CLIP option; works well for me but it's a bit fiddly to get the plane just so.

2006-07-12, 12:47 PM
I remember solview and soldraw from the R14 days in school. Thanks for the suggestions, I might try the Dview option??
