View Full Version : Woofs

2003-06-06, 05:20 PM
Attached is an image of my current puppy...the large expanse of roof is just that, a roof. Narrow low end is the slope defining. The interesting edge is a roof fascia sweep using what amounts to a gable truss turned on it's side.

Question is, the front two corners that you can't see mitre nicely while the remaining four corner does not. Should I be able to or is my profile not possible to sweep that much?

I can model an in-place roof solid to fill it in but was thinking I might not shouldn't needn't nuh uh...have to?


Added an image, the miters that work...whole fascia is all one fascia, not individuals.
Added profile

2003-06-06, 05:46 PM
hmmm... that should work. Have you played around with the mitering options. :?:

2003-06-06, 05:48 PM
Yup...it only makes it worsererer :(

2003-06-06, 07:05 PM
What if you edited the roof, & took those corners & put a small chamfer on each corner, so that the facia profile would have to turn two quick turns less than 90 degrees? Would the sweep turn then?

2003-06-06, 07:27 PM
Tried and failed... :(

GS Fulton
2003-06-06, 10:48 PM
I don't think that will work. If you figure out a way to make it work, let me know. If you have anything that isn't a square (in all directions) corner you won't get those to miter properly. I've been wishing for better sweep joins (i.e. raked fascias where they meet level fascias.

2003-06-09, 09:07 AM
I have a similar problem that I have discussed in anothere thread where a simple raked mitre fascia fails to mitre properly.

My project started life in an earlier version of Revit, but that doesn't seem to be the problem this time, I just think that sweep mitres are not yet as well resolved as they might be.


2003-06-09, 02:08 PM
If the sweep is deep, it has problems at corners do to the sweep overlapping itself, this may be the problem.

Wes Macaulay
2003-06-10, 01:54 PM
I would suggest that you model up a regular sweep a la in-place family... FWIW

2003-06-10, 02:23 PM
Okay...I'll try that out...