View Full Version : Walls Tags with multiple leaders

2006-07-11, 07:20 PM
Has anyone developed a solution for placing a wall tag with multiple leaders?

Typically, we use 1 tag with 2 or 3 leaders that can reach adjacent walls of similar types. It really helps to keep the drawings cleaner then having tags on every wall. It seems that you can add a "fake" leader symbol to accomplish but you can not snap to the wall tag boundary box so it is not as clean nor does it adjust if you need to move the wall tag.

If not, here is a suggested item to add to the wishlist. Place the wall tags using the current method but then have the ability (similar to Host Sweeps:wall sweeps) to add additional walls to be included within the tag. Limit the number to 3(4). After walls are added, automatically add the leaders to those walls. The ability to tweak the leaders line locations and angle would also be suggested.

Attached is an example of what we are trying to accomplish

Ken Marcus
RFI Consultants

Michelle Gibson
2006-08-29, 02:40 PM
looking for same answer, will track this thread...

Tom Dorner
2006-08-29, 02:59 PM
I simply add the two or three tags, then drag them all on top of each other so it appears as if there is one tag with many leaders.

2006-08-29, 03:22 PM
Good tip for a workaround, I've often wondered if they would add some functionality to the tags and keynotes as well. It does get a little redundant and messy with wall tags on every wall, especially in clustered areas. In detailing, I use the keynote tool to show text, and with some items, such as rebar where you might want to use one text line and point to 2-4 different items of the same type, it would be nice to do so. I have never tried placing text or tags on top of one another thought......I'll definitly give that one a go. Thanks!
