2006-07-13, 05:07 PM
what the (insert noun here) is up with revit abandoning all the 'undo' list??
It has been inconsistently dropping my undo list, sometimes after save, sometimes after I accidentally dragged something, sometimes after I 'ctrl + c' ed something...

I can't quite figure out when that occurs and how to go about avoiding this from happening...
Imagine you are trying to group bunch of objects and in the middle of selecting them you drag-copy them accidentally, now you have all these objects on top of each other... and you can't undo! Are there only two options?: 1. delete each one of them. 2. quit without save?? and why is it this way?

2006-07-13, 09:36 PM
Are you on a worksets job? I see this too all the time, it is very scarey.

2006-07-19, 09:34 PM
yes. i'm using worksets.

here's another beautiful example.

I was attempting to delete one view and my hand slipped and accidentally deleted another view, then undo list goes blank. this really should be fixed. how can one contact the revit development team???

2006-07-19, 09:43 PM
yes. i'm using worksets.

here's another beautiful example.

I was attempting to delete one view and my hand slipped and accidentally deleted another view, then undo list goes blank. this really should be fixed. how can one contact the revit development team???

Contact Revit support at 1 866 GO Revit and they can get the problem to the development team.

2006-07-20, 01:03 PM
Same thing happened to me with a view once, deleted it and then no undo list..........I wasnt sure if it was just a fluke 1 time thing, apparently not.

It possibly has happened more often but this was the first time i accidently deleted a view that i really did need.

Typically work directly on the sheets towards the end of a project so its not to likely to delete a view - not that i recommend it as a workaround, just personal preference.

2006-07-20, 01:22 PM
Same thing here, I right-clicked a view and went to rename it, but accidentially clicked on Delete instead. It did not give me any warning messages that I was about to delete the view, it was simply *poof* gone. And guess what? All Undo history was gone, as well. :banghead:

2006-07-20, 01:59 PM
You guys should all send your journal files to revit so they can see what happened and identify whats going on.

2006-07-27, 02:33 AM
here's another WTF. I undid 20 something activities just to check the process of what I was doing and while trying to redo it back again it tells me I can't redo because element is not editable. it was literally within a minute this happened, and nobody else was working on the model. Any similar experience?

In my personal opinion, if you have a chunk of undo/redo list you should be able to freely go back and forth unless you do something in between. Or maybe I am a complete idiot who does not know how to use undo/redo ? I really feel it is a defect.

2006-07-27, 01:50 PM
I too am experiencing problems with the undo button getting greyed out. have only noticed this behaviour when using worksets.

2006-07-27, 02:59 PM
here's another WTF. I undid 20 something activities just to check the process of what I was doing and while trying to redo it back again it tells me I can't redo because element is not editable. it was literally within a minute this happened, and nobody else was working on the model. Any similar experience?

In my personal opinion, if you have a chunk of undo/redo list you should be able to freely go back and forth unless you do something in between. Or maybe I am a complete idiot who does not know how to use undo/redo ? I really feel it is a defect.
Yep, happens to me all the time too. It seems to occur when you do sketch editing, like roofs for instance, and then try to undo. I don't know why it says that because I'm the borrower of the element. It has to be a bug but I don't have time to report right now.

2006-07-27, 05:44 PM
here is what I found out from support.

1. If User owns (has editable) the View workset, the User will be able to Undo Delete.

2. If User is borrowing the View workset, the User does not currently have the ability to Undo Delete.

3. If User does not own the View workset and isn't borrowing the workset, then User currently does not have the ability to Undo delete.

2006-07-27, 07:29 PM
It should at least throw up a warning asking if you're sure you want to delete the view. It already does it for other things like if I'm looking at fill patterns and want to delete one, it asks if I want to with Yes or No buttons. And to me, project views seem a bit more important than things like fill patterns.

2006-07-28, 07:07 PM
please vote.


2006-08-05, 12:05 AM

2006-08-05, 03:37 PM
here is what I found out from support.

1. If User owns (has editable) the View workset, the User will be able to Undo Delete.

2. If User is borrowing the View workset, the User does not currently have the ability to Undo Delete.

3. If User does not own the View workset and isn't borrowing the workset, then User currently does not have the ability to Undo delete.
Well, this doesn't make logical sense to me, especially since we don't go to specifically find a view and check it out....we just work and anything that needs borrowed, gets borrowed. I expect the user that has an element borrowed to be in essence the temporary owner. After all, no one else can edit the particular borrowed option of that view workset, so you're technically the "owner" right?! I have encountered countless situations when the undo list disappears.