View Full Version : Filling hole in wall problem

2004-06-07, 03:04 PM
I have a ground floor wall whose left hand side (as you look at it in plan) goes from ground floor slab to roof level.
The right-hand side goes from the same base to just below 1st Fl level. On top of this is some curtain wall glazing.
These are the walls running left-to-right at the top of the attached jpg. The wall has been split at the red line.

On the 1st floor there is a wall running perpendicular to the top wall, coloured green on the attached plan. This goes from 1st Fl to roof.

Looking at the 3D view you can see a gap to the side of the glazing that I cannot fill.

The problem seems to be the red split line, I cannot align this with the outer (right) face fo the 'green' wall.

Moving the 1st Fl wall to align with the 'red' split just moves the gap also.

Any thoughts?


Scott D Davis
2004-06-07, 03:16 PM
Did you try using the wall join tool, and click through some of the options? You can use the wall join tool in a 3D view, just hoover over the 'bad' joint, and click. The wall join 'highlight' square may be outside of your view, but the options bar will change. Clcik 'next' through the various join conditions, and see if that fixes it.

Allen Lacy
2004-06-07, 03:54 PM
Also try pulling the curtain away from the other walls. Then use the wall join tool and "disallow" the end of the curtain wall. Then when you pull the curtain wall back, it should butt the other walls.

2004-06-07, 05:16 PM

Wall join tool doesn’t seem to latch on to anything in my 3D view, and no luck in any other plans / elevation views either.

I can move the curtain wall north / south, but the whole brick wall moves too. Needless to say the problem moved too.

I cannot move the curtain wall sideways as I get the following messages: "Type associated curtain grid lines outside of the edited wall boundaries will be made dependent again in order that they remain on the wall." If I accept the only viable option (apart from Cancel) of 'Make Line Dependent', the curtain wall doesn’t move. So if I try again to move sideways I get this message "Manually placed curtain grid lines are on the wall edges or outside the wall boundaries." But still the wall doesn’t move.

This is taking me down a route I'm uncomfortable with, as I'm making changes to the model but nothing is happening.

I’m still stumped.

Damian :confused:

2004-06-07, 05:51 PM
How about not splitting your wall but editing it's profile instead. Then place your perpedicular wall. It should clean correctly without interfering with your curtain wall glazing.

2004-06-07, 07:48 PM
I have had similar problems. Try to "detach all" the walls around the area.For some reason this usually fixes the problem for me.
