View Full Version : Property Line Tag not working!

2006-07-15, 09:02 PM
There is probably a simple and obvious solution to my problem. I have drawn a property line and loaded the property line tag from the "annotation folder". But when I try to tag the property line, nothing shows. Is there a setting somewhere that controls this? I loaded a default template (Revit) and it works fine. Calling Reviteers, please help.

Graham Briggs
2006-07-15, 11:10 PM
First, check your Visability Grahics (VG), for the specific view(s) that you want to see the tags in. Check both the Model and Annotation tabs, and make sure the Site>Property Lines and Property Tags boxes contain checkmarks. If that does not correct the problem.. come back here...


2006-07-16, 12:48 AM
Hey G,

Thanks for the reply. I have looked at both tabs and they are all checked. What elso could it be?


2006-07-16, 01:26 AM
I get a message saying no tag is loaded for this type but the property line is loaded. It is shown in the families categlory in the browser. I have never had this problem before. Comments anyone? Please.

Graham Briggs
2006-07-16, 02:24 AM
Did you load a Property Line [Segment] tag? or a Property [only] tag? Were the Property Lines created using the Property Line tool (on the Site Design Bar? Is there a Topographical surface? If you turn on Wireframe, are the tags visible -- maybe they are hidden by a surface or some other model geometry.

If none of these ideas help, then can you post the file, here. If not, file a Support Request (link from the Help menu).


2006-07-16, 07:19 AM

I fixed it. I never noticed this before and I don't know if this happens to others. Here is the background of what happened and what I did. When I drew the property line the first time, it was on the site plan. I couldn't tag it to show the length and bearing of the property line. However, when I redrew the property line on the main floor plan then go to the site plan I was able to tag it. I never noticed this before because I was start my work on the first leve. I am wandering if this has anything to do with at what level or plane the property line was drawn on. Anyway, I have spent enough time trying to figure this out, time to get back to the real work. i will try to understand it later on when I have more time. Thanks for your help.