View Full Version : Printing - What are you using

2006-07-16, 11:38 PM
I have had a problem with an outside printing company.... it seems that the my drawings are are all screwed up.... for example... the fill in information on the title block gets progressively worst, my name starts out fine and ends up as 3 totally different letters. A page is missing all of the text.

What I has been using is the Pine-bush PDF printer that came with some previous Revit release... The print company says its my fault... my client is a little unhappy.... not good for business.

The DWF 2d print from Autodesk it way to slow!!!

What are you guys using?

2006-07-17, 12:03 AM
I use the Revit pdf writer exclusively.
Had no problems sending drawings to the print house and getting good results. I had one problem with font alignment on schedules but another member of this forum helped me out there.

I reprinted his comments below:

"I have had problems with printing PDF's and this worked for me.

PDF Writer 4.2 has issues with some text fonts. I will spare you the details of which kind of fonts are problematic. There is a known solution for that.

In PDF Writer properties click Printing Preferences button on General tab.
Next click Advanced and in resulting dialog find Document Options | PostScript Options | TrueType Font Download Option. Make sure that it is set to Outline. This may fix your font problems"

Other than that, this seems to work fine for me.

2006-07-17, 12:16 AM
Try this thread :


The generic postscript driver output, converted to PDF (by Distiller or Ghostscript) is what we use for portable files, and it works well.

We're lucky we have a nice new Oce in house for B&W.


2006-07-17, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the reply Guys!

It appears to be the print companies problem!!!! I printed the same files infront of the client... and they came out perfectly!!!

Wolff - long time no here from...

Thanks again!

2006-07-17, 03:40 PM
We print PDF's using Adobe Acrobat. Works fine except PDF sets don't seem to collate.

For sets of final documents, we just print out a full set on our Oce plotter, the boss stamps and signs the sheets, and we send them off to a local place where they re-scan the sheets and print out multiple sets.

2006-07-17, 07:15 PM
All of my plans are sent to an outside printer via PDF. The DWF files don't come out right when there is any kind of shading, which I have alot of. The PDF files are great. I use CutePDF to create them and then Adobe to bind them into one file.