View Full Version : Colour in Phases - there's a RED IN 3D for some reason

Local Revit Guru
2006-07-17, 07:32 AM
Has anyone had the issue of existing objects showing up in 3D (amongst other views) as a RED colour - even though there is no RED specified in the GRAPHIC OVERIDES?

What's the changes in Revit 9 to phasing? Is there any!

2006-07-17, 08:02 AM
No changes to phasing that I am aware of - I take it the objects you refer to are NOT demolished? And that 'no red specified' means you have looked at the 'phase-demo' material and 'phase-existing' material? (don't know your level of use....)

Phil Palmer
2006-07-17, 10:36 AM
Its not the case that you may have some objects selected and those are just showing red when you wsitch views ?

Local Revit Guru
2006-07-17, 11:16 PM
Thank you both! Both good suggestions but I'm afraid Wesley wins! It was the material Property. I new that it was something simple & I should have figured it out because I am an advanced user but I didn't think about the materials - it's been ages since I've done phasing job!

AUTODEATH? When are you going to put these simple pieces of information into your help manual. When are you going to make this information easily accessable. I looked phasing up in the help menu but could not find an answer to the question which I've asked here!

If Revit users are going to be forced to rely on each other for help and always work it our for themselves, then the program should be cheaper than it is!

Yours sincerely

2006-07-18, 12:46 AM
The help file mention the material, then it's up to you to set it up. Imagine if all Revit tool should be broken down to that level of detail ? No way help would be of any .... well help.

Local Revit Guru
2006-07-18, 01:19 AM
Yeah well in my quick looking I didn't see any mention of it & I guess that I just feel I can't rely on Autodesk help because you spend hours going around in circles for information that isn't there!

The purpose of help is that it does HELP. Too often Autodesk Revit Help says that it is possible to do something and then they don't give a step by step break down. Perhaps the content would be larger but for starters if they re-arranged their content into a user friendly format then that would be a great start!
A standard presentaion of searchable info is presented via, Content, Index, Glossary, references, and so on. The premise for that is there but the actuality is that the presentation of the information is pathetically laking in and totally unresolved.
Have you ever read an ADOBE manual - I could pick up a manual for photoshop 3 made in 1996 that is more useful than any manual or "how to" that AUTODESK has produced in it's whole existance!

The Status Quo is not acceptable and it's time that we spent less time being nerds and stroking each other's ego's because we worked something out! People ought to be demanding better content so that things just work! Don't get me wrong I think it's wonderful that there is this support but we shouldn't have to rely on it!

2006-07-18, 06:57 AM
Frustrated down under, eh?
Where are you based? You should join a user group in your area if there is one, can be very helpful. Check out the website for the Revit User Group Sydney (with a VERY nascent forum area...) http://www.rugsyd.com.au

2006-07-18, 06:59 AM
and yes, I agree about the help system (though I actually think it is better than many others I have seen). I have been mumbling about writing an encyclopedia style reference book for awhile now, but there is always something else that seems to pop up higher on the list. Sigh.

2006-07-18, 11:27 AM
Then i suggest you grab a tutorial, which seems to me more like what you are looking for then just the help file. There is a few good one, actually even Autodesk have some. I peronnaly suggest you get paul Aubin's one. Great for starter.
Check www.paulaubin.com

2006-07-18, 12:51 PM
I agree that the help system in Revit needs much work. The people in Waltham are excellent at designing a program that works great, but documentation seems lacking. I have always raved about the AutoCAD help system, (you could learn how to run the program just from the help system). Maybe Adesk could move some of their people to Waltham to help improve the help system in Revit!