View Full Version : Mirroring a building

2006-07-18, 05:44 PM
I am doing a commercial building that is to be re-used on the same project. It does need to be mirrored in both directions however and then have minor changes made to it. What is the best way?

Roger Evans
2006-07-18, 08:02 PM
This is what I was told to do in early Revit days

I can't advise on best current method so hold fire until more answers are forthcoming

Make new File & be sure the model is as up to date as you can

Go to 3D view
orientate to Plan view above top of model
Change to Wireframe view
Copy & Mirror (use lines as reference plane axis if you have to)

2006-07-19, 03:37 AM
I would suggest you contact Revit Support and inquire about a modification to your INI file to improve your ability to mirror an entire project. (that's all I'm saying)

2006-07-19, 06:33 AM
I would suggest you contact Revit Support and inquire about a modification to your INI file to improve your ability to mirror an entire project. (that's all I'm saying)Sage advice...

2006-07-19, 03:17 PM
I would suggest you contact Revit Support and inquire about a modification to your INI file to improve your ability to mirror an entire project. (that's all I'm saying)
If I may ask, how does this file come into play when mirroring a project?

Scott D Davis
2006-07-19, 03:38 PM
If I may ask, how does this file come into play when mirroring a project?
That's what you are gonna find out by contacting Support.

2006-07-19, 04:06 PM
That's what you are gonna find out by contacting Support.
...and that's all we're saying. ;-)

2006-07-19, 04:10 PM
That's what you are gonna find out by contacting Support.

Sounds like a conspiracy... Maybe I'll ask Elvis (I think I saw him talking to Hoffa in a bar in Alaska last week!).

Seriously, is there a new development on this topic? It's been a gripe for many people for a while, so if there's something going on behind the scenes with Support, please please please share.

2006-07-19, 11:19 PM
Sounds like a conspiracy... Maybe I'll ask Elvis (I think I saw him talking to Hoffa in a bar in Alaska last week!).

Seriously, is there a new development on this topic? It's been a gripe for many people for a while, so if there's something going on behind the scenes with Support, please please please share.

I "Think", this is like the thing where a car manufacturer builds cars BUT couldn't figure out how to make them go in reverse (but sells them anyway) and you have to call them to give you a push to back up into your garage....kinda thing.
I'm not sure tho....

2006-07-19, 11:48 PM
I have completed mirroring an entire buidlding in the past with the help of the support team and it works very well. Contact them and they will give you what you need to know and also how to modify the ini file.

2006-07-20, 01:07 AM
Reading between the posts, what could this mean? If I contact my reseller or Revit Support they must have some way to mirror my entire project that can't be made available to the general public for some reason. Hmmm....maybe the feature isn't completely done even though it does a specific task well enough to share when approached offline and I'm willing to accept some degree of risk?

Just some wild guessing...

Scott D Davis
2006-07-20, 02:55 AM
Just some wild guessing...
Steve, your wild!....and crazy! You're one wiillld and craaaazy guy!

2006-07-21, 04:15 AM
It's not the best (Revit) way to solve the problem, but it works alright for now. If anyone at the factory would like to discuss this, I'd be happy to share my idea for a simplistic solution (using the Revit way).

2006-09-08, 07:27 PM
I contacted Autodesk support. Here is their response:

'Currently the only supported method for mirroring in a project is the mirror command. I have forwarded the information that you have provided to our Product Management team, they pointed out that the feature being discussed is in currently in BETA and not freely available to the Revit community. Product Management has not given to Product Support organization the authority to distribute access to this feature. Requests for this beta tool should be made on the My Feedback Forums. I hope this helps. Best Regards, Don Falkowski Autodesk Subscription Support Team'

I sent in a feedback request but couldn't find a "My Feedback Forum"

Can't anyone out there spill the beans on this?

David Stokes
Quatro Design Group

Justin Marchiel
2006-09-08, 08:17 PM
I got the same thing. The rep said that he would pass it up to the higher powers but it came back that my project was no going to get the goods.

Had to do it manually.


2006-09-09, 01:31 AM
Had luck making a new project and linking the building in then mirroring the entire link (I think - over a year ago). Worked for rendering not sure about production. (This image is one building file , linked and mirrored) HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=8363)

2006-09-09, 03:28 PM
At our user group meeting last week, I asked the question. They linked the file and then did a morror. I tried it on a duplex where both sides were alike and it seemed to work. Next, I have a commercial/Retail steucture that needs mirroring twice. We will see how it works there.

2006-09-09, 06:43 PM
I tried mirroring a link but didn't work so well for my purposes.

Everything mirrored correctly, but most of the annotation elements from the linked project do not appear in the host file, especially in non-plan views. The sheets and other views don't come over either. I tried inserting views from the linked project, but that's appears to be for detail and scedule views. Since I have the project almost ready for submittal to the building department, I think it will be easier to try to mirror the project manually than to try to redo all the tags and text in the host file.

2006-10-03, 06:01 PM
Autodesk has now removed this from there solutions. They no longer support this method and will not even tell you what it was.

Don Sutherland
2006-10-04, 03:54 AM
I feel this is a major problem that a housing project can not be mirrored. I had to convert to AutoCAD and do a mirror floor plan in Autocad. This was very costly and had to give up doing the project in Revit. This is a major item to resolve in Revit. Mostly when you have 4 plans to alter.

2006-11-03, 08:00 PM
I know this sounds lame, but how do i conctact Revit support. I also need to mirror any entire building complex, and after reading this thread decided that I should contact support rather than wasting time trying to do it myself. I am using Revit 9.1.



2006-11-10, 03:22 PM
Just to clear it up for everyone:

There was a beta-semi-tested mirror function that could be activated that a few people new about. It worked fairly well but was not bug free. I'm sure there was an effort on Revit's side to control support desk flooding which in the end started happening anyway.

The feature has been completely pulled and is no longer able to be activated. Hopefully this is a temporary solution, since I believe it is essential to be able to mirror projects. We'll all wait in anticipation for a re-introduction of that feature...

2011-03-22, 06:30 PM
I am doing a commercial building that is to be re-used on the same project. It does need to be mirrored in both directions however and then have minor changes made to it. What is the best way?

You should be able to rotate 180 (or reset true or project north) then mirror. It might be less destructive than mirroring twice.