View Full Version : Keynotes

2006-07-18, 09:14 PM
I am using Revit 9, have been reading posts on keynotes and playing with them some as I get info. I have the csi 2004 xls and txt files browsed. I used the keynot legend tool and put the legend on a sheet with a view that contained some keynote tags. How do I get the titles of the spec section to apear above the spec numbers in the legend to help organize it? I turned on the titles in the apearance tab but nothing showed up. The only titles I see are the key value and the keynote text, which I don't want to show. I want titles that divide each spec section. Thanks, Jason.

2006-07-19, 12:38 AM
You'll need to add the field and sort by it to create the header you're talking about. You can hide the field so that it doesn't display as a column in the schedule.