View Full Version : how to edit a component

2006-07-19, 01:31 AM
i copied a component from another model through cut and paste. now that i have it in, i would like to modify this but i don't have the edit family option nor do i have have an external file to open. how do i go about this?

2006-07-19, 01:37 AM
I am going from memory here but I think in the option bar there is a button that says finish. Select that button then select the object again then you should have the edit button available in the option bar. If that is not it I am sorry that I could not help you better but I don't have Revit in front of me right now.


2006-07-19, 01:37 AM
i copied a component from another model through cut and paste. now that i have it in, i would like to modify this but i don't have the edit family option nor do i have have an external file to open. how do i go about this?

You only get the Edit Family option when you create a family and selecting "Load into Project". Once loaded you can select the family and then that option will be available.

2006-07-19, 01:40 AM

so how do i 'wblock' one out to edit?

2006-07-19, 01:41 AM

so how do i 'wblock' one out to edit?

You'll have to create a family.
Go to: File > New > Family, and select a rvt based on what you are trying to create.
If you are not so familiar with family creation I recommend some tutorial to have an understanding of how things relate with other features within Revit BIM.

Mr Spot
2006-07-19, 03:40 AM
I'm confused, are you situation 1 or 2?

1. Okay so you have copied one solid from one family into another, and you now want to edit that solid?


2. You have copied one family from one project to another, and now you want to edit that family?

wblock... this isn't autoCAD references like these are scary...

There is also possibly a 3rd option you have copied one in-place family from one project to another?

Once you clarify this we should be able to help better.

2006-07-19, 04:01 AM
yes, wblock is in autocad. i had it in quotes to mean if there is anything similar with revit.

i found a workaround though. i found similar components at revitcity so i was able to modify an external file and replaced what i had.
