View Full Version : Dimensions Ad Nauseum

2006-07-19, 03:22 PM
I'm still in 8.1, waiting to get this project out the door before we jump to 9.0.

Has anyone else had trouble dimensioning to the nth degree?

We've got some funky geometry and we're trying to get some final dimensions on this beast. I'm finding when I use the align tool to align, for instance, one face of two parallel walls of different thicknesses, they aren't truly aligned. The way I learn this is down the road I attempt to put a dimension between a third wall that also "parallel" but offset some distance from my original walls, and only one wall will dimension. The other tells me they're not parallel. It's only when I check my angles with a degree angle with at least 3 decimal places that I find the problem (for instance, maybe it's 90.003 degrees to a line perpindicular).

Anyway, what's odd is in going from one machine to another on the same project, sometimes I can dimension between two walls, and on another machine I get a warning that the two walls aren't parallel.

And if I cut and paste spot dimensions/coordinates from one floor to another, they aren't the same to the 4th place.

Has anyone else noticed this in their final dimensioning? Know a way around it?

Thanks in advance.

2006-07-19, 04:16 PM
Do you have other angles in the project and has the view been rotated or plan north changed?

I've got a project where the building was drawn true north and then views were rotated to plan north. Although the view looks like it is lined up square, it seems to be off a bit from what the walls are draw by a very, very small amount. If you draw a new wall without forcing a snap perpendicular, it will be off just a bit. I think it is using a view snap of some sort.

I had to go through the project and put in angular dimensions to square things up.

Once I knew this I'd copy existing walls or make sure I snap right to keep things square and clean.

2006-07-19, 07:08 PM
Yeah, there are a lot of close, but not quite angles. I'm assuming you're getting at things auto snapping to the wrong angles. That's not it. Not just when I draw things but when I specifically align two elements, they are still just a fuzz off. It might only be .001 off. Just don't get it. But thanks anyhow.

2006-07-19, 07:56 PM
Worth sending to support.

2006-07-20, 01:32 PM
Hi all,

First off, I'm a network admin, not an architect (but I support them).

One of my users rotated his drawing as per the client's request and some of his dimension lines coming from the structure are stretched at least 50% towards the extents of the drawing. Is this a bug or is he doing something wrong?
