View Full Version : Printing strangeness

2006-07-19, 03:49 PM
We have a bunch of sheets in our set that are suddenly plotting weird, both to paper and PDF. Basically all the text and linework in the titleblock is grey, but the JPG logo is still black. And it isn't all the sheets, so I assume it isn't the Title Block family. But we can't find anything in the settings of the goofy sheets that changes it.

Anyone seen anything like this?


2006-07-19, 05:30 PM
Check to see if someone changed the linestyles from black to gray......Setting<linestyle.

Also check to see if the halftone is checked for titleblocks in your visibility graphics. The visibility graphics would explain why some sheets are plotting weird and others are not, because VG settings are view specific. In addition, the JPG logo acts independently of the titleblock family because it is an image, this is why it stays black.

2006-07-19, 05:47 PM
Also check that you have the Colors mode set to Black lines and not Color or Greyscale. I had this same problem with our company logo fading while printing and it turned out to be this.

This option is in the Appearance group under Setup in the Print dialogue.


Paul Andersen
2006-07-19, 06:13 PM
Another gotcha that we've run across which will produce similar results is someone activating one of the views on the sheet and leaving it active while printing. Revit's convention of half-toning / dimming the non-active views and title block carries over to printing but doesn't affect imported images (jpg, bmp, etc.) which will still print as imported.