View Full Version : Wall Join Insanity

J. Grouchy
2006-07-20, 08:25 PM
The attached image shows what happens literally at least 3 or 4 times a day. Certain wall joins do not want to "stick"...no matter how I fix them, lock them, redraw them, pin them, align them, drag them...NOTHING WORKS!!!

Sometimes they "come undone" after I change something in the wall, sometimes they "come undone" after I do a save...and sometimes they "come undone" for no apparent reason.

These are not stacked wall types...but they do involve some integral sweeps, some added sweeps, some in-place voids and solids, plus the usual curtain walls, windows and doors. The two walls joining are the exact same wall type.

It's gotten to the point that I'm ready to start getting physically violent with my computer...I'm far beyond mere cursing.

Calgon...take me away! :banghead:

(any help would be much appreciated)

2006-07-20, 10:34 PM
Are those 2 parallel wall types? If so that could be the issue. Or it looks like the finish is joining with some finish above, is there any above? Have you tried using the disallow join feature, then just use join geometry between the 2 that usually works great.

J. Grouchy
2006-07-21, 01:24 PM
Are those 2 parallel wall types? If so that could be the issue. Or it looks like the finish is joining with some finish above, is there any above? Have you tried using the disallow join feature, then just use join geometry between the 2 that usually works great.
Tried it.


The wall type is a stud wall with an airspace and brick veneer.

2006-07-21, 01:36 PM
I've posted elsewhere that I think wall joins are too tough for Revit to conquer via "automatic" methods. There are so many variables, and IMHO, Revit can't cut it to an annoyingly large degree. I love Revit, but I would love to see their philosophy change to acceptance of reality and instead of using the current "automatic-method success OR failure" to a method which allows the option of a more manual manipulation of the wall elements. To me, this approach acknowledges that Revit can't figure everything out by itself and needs (and will allow) the user to complete the myriad custom situations.

Does this make sense?

Geof Narlee.

J. Grouchy
2006-07-21, 02:17 PM
I've posted elsewhere that I think wall joins are too tough for Revit to conquer via "automatic" methods. There are so many variables, and IMHO, Revit can't cut it to an annoyingly large degree. I love Revit, but I would love to see their philosophy change to acceptance of reality and instead of using the current "automatic-method success OR failure" to a method which allows the option of a more manual manipulation of the wall elements. To me, this approach acknowledges that Revit can't figure everything out by itself and needs (and will allow) the user to complete the myriad custom situations.

Does this make sense?

Geof Narlee.
Totally...I've brought up this subject before...an idea involving user 'sketching' of wall joins.

2006-07-21, 03:44 PM
I'm glad to see that everyone hasn't just "accepted" the wall join problems. On a previous job I had, there were some complicated wall connections and I never could get the wall joins to fully resolve without mysteriously changing a half hour later. I ended up having to just use filled regions because I was on a time-crunch and fighting with the program to join walls and keep them joined was not in the budget. Any improvements in 9.0? I still haven't gotten there yet.

2006-07-21, 03:45 PM
Try copy/passting the two walls into a new file. If they then clean up, your issue is a wall above or below that the walls are trying to join and clean up with. If they don't - post that small file and we'll see what we can do.

2006-07-21, 03:59 PM
Are the base heights the same on both? I've had trouble with walls joining with integral sweeps, etc. when things aren't lined up correctly in section because someone set the bottom of one wall to first floor and someone else set theirs to top of footing. How's this corner look in 3D? Is it all the pieces not joining or just the section of the wall that shows up in Plan?

2006-07-21, 04:07 PM
Aaron & McCurdyks,

Those are good points, too. Sometimes, I just don't realize what I'm building and there ARE certain protocols on assembling walls in regarding to over/under.

2006-07-21, 08:47 PM
I would like to see a built in function similar to Edit Cut Profile for walls so we can physically modify the walls.

I am sure that many folks are running into wonky wall construction types and and other conditions where we have to take Revits hand and show the way.

J. Grouchy
2006-07-22, 06:59 PM
It's the exact same wall - top to bottom. Both walls run full height of the building and do not sit on or under any other wall types.

2006-07-22, 07:20 PM
Are there any wall base extensions in one and not the other?

Gadget Man
2006-07-23, 06:43 AM
Sorry for a very, VERY silly question... do all the layers of this wall have correct Function/Significance assignment? Ie. on one or two occasions I made a mistake of accidentally assigning two separate layers the same Function/Number and all sorts of funny things with their joins were happening... Just a thought...