View Full Version : Material Take Offs

Chirag Mistry
2006-07-21, 06:56 PM
This was a new feature in Revit 9.
Does anyone know what it does and how ? Has anyone experimented with this ?


Justin Marchiel
2006-07-21, 09:39 PM
it bassically schedules any material that you use in the project. schedule amount of sheathing, concrete, air barrier, etc.

Works really great and give you instant feed back on the amount of material that you are using in a job


2006-07-21, 11:45 PM
To learn it, read both the Help file and the tutorial. It looks like things like lineal feet of, say, 1x6 rakeboard and such requires some setup, but the system works as well as can be expected - it's pretty good. I often get asked how much something's going to cost and I'm planning to incorporate the feature over time (on residential).