View Full Version : Material Take-off Schedules

2006-07-24, 07:50 PM
I am finding some aspects of the new Material Take-off Schedules very useful but....
is there away to assign costs to each material that can then be included in a calculated value? If I assign a cost to the Identity Data of a specific material, it is not available in the fields for calculated values. Is there another way to assign this or can I only export the Schedule to Excel, etc, and get my totals there? Seems like an "almost" useful feature if not. I posted a few days ago re: a door schedule not being able to report the wall thickness it is placed in and am still mystified at why these relationships are not more usable.

2006-07-24, 08:32 PM
Funny, i added a SP for cost. Set it to Materials and voila! i now have 2 costs showing in my schedule. That sounds like a bug to me
Ok, now it shows. Must be my eyes

Just add a calcuated value like that : (Material: Area / 1 SF) * Material: Cost

It will get you a total. See the attach file

Kenny Gee
2008-08-26, 04:58 AM
Funny, i added a SP for cost. Set it to Materials and voila! i now have 2 costs showing in my schedule. That sounds like a bug to me
Ok, now it shows. Must be my eyes

Just add a calculated value like that : (Material: Area / 1 SF) * Material: Cost

It will get you a total. See the attach file

Great, it worked (kind off) - although I altered it : (Material: Area / 1m2) * Material: Cost
Trouble I have found is that if I manually calculate the Material Area * Material Cost then I get a slightly different value???? AM i doing something stupid????
I was originally trying : Material:Area * Material: Cost.... but it didn't work. do you know why????