View Full Version : Revit PDF Problems

Roger Evans
2006-07-24, 08:08 PM
Recently a couple of clients have reported that they are unable to open PDF's I've sent them (I used Revit Pdf Writer)

Any thoughts ?

2006-07-24, 08:33 PM
Any details in problem description?

Roger Evans
2006-07-24, 09:46 PM
Any details in problem description?

No Leonid ~ they just say they can't access them
The Pdf's look fine to me
I'm sending them to someone I've mailed Pdf's to before for a check & I'll see what he says tomorrow

2006-07-25, 08:55 AM
Could try posting them here and we can let you know if they open ok...

2006-07-25, 11:09 AM
You could also find out/suggest that they download the latest PDF Reader. Although if they cant open a Revit PDF (4.2?) then they must be using a really old version of the reader!

2006-07-25, 09:39 PM

I have also had this problem - I can create the PDF and open it fine - however, when I email them to clients they cannot open them - also, it has happened a couple of time that once I send the PDF's I cannot open them either.

It was apparently a problem with our email server not the PDF creator.

I will ask our I.T. Dept what the solution was



Roger Evans
2006-07-25, 10:34 PM

I have also had this problem - I can create the PDF and open it fine - however, when I email them to clients they cannot open them - also, it has happened a couple of time that once I send the PDF's I cannot open them either.

It was apparently a problem with our email server not the PDF creator.

I will ask our I.T. Dept what the solution was



Cheers Dave

Please Let me know if you have feedback from your IT Dept on this problem

I don't have the problem with not reading them on my end ~ they also look good, & like I said above I sent the same pdf's to someone else as a test & they opened them OK ... so I was thinking there was another factor in the problem

I've checked with the clients & they assure me they have up to date pdf readers but
A couple of weeks ago a planning consultant couldn't open some pdfs I sent either & I know he is up to date because he set up the planning portal for Wales. Though I sent him some others today & he was able to open them.

My clients in this case have 2 individual email accounts & both say not able to open

2006-07-26, 12:13 AM
I have used CutePDF for 2 years now with no problems at all. I use this writer for everything. Every job gets printed with CutePDF and is sent to the printer. It works flawlessly, oh and its free.

2006-07-26, 08:27 AM
Please Let me know if you have feedback from your IT Dept on this problem
Oh I have had a similar problem sending pdf files from an online email account sometimes (yahoo.co.uk) actually. I found that if I attached them directly they wouldn't be openable, but if I zipped the PDF file(s) first and then attached the zip file, it could be extracted and the PDF file(s) opened without problems at the other end. Maybe you could try that Roger?

Cheers, Elrond

Roger Evans
2006-07-26, 09:34 AM
Cheers Elrond I'll let you know if successful

2006-07-26, 02:18 PM
I have been told it has to do with the firewall settings at the receiving end, so you have to zip them first. True of a lot of different file types, like exe for example.

2006-07-26, 02:47 PM
I've checked with the clients & they assure me they have up to date pdf readers but
A couple of weeks ago a planning consultant couldn't open some pdfs I sent either & I know he is up to date because he set up the planning portal for Wales. Though I sent him some others today & he was able to open them.

My clients in this case have 2 individual email accounts & both say not able to open
Have your client send the troublesome PDF back to you & see if you have problems with it. If you can open the original, but not the returned copy, that would definitely point at your email provider.