View Full Version : Slot Window through Two Wall Types

2006-07-25, 05:52 PM
I am in the process of making some minor design modifications to an existing Revit model. In the hand sketch I am working off of, the designer has a tall, slot-like window that runs between two different wall types. (See the attached sketch.) One is brick veneer on a CMU backup, the other is metal panels on metal studs. What would be the best way to approach this? Thanks for your help.

2006-07-25, 06:38 PM
I can't get the image to show up in my browser but if the two walls can be made to "touch" in plan (and you might need to add an air space component to one of the walls or even add a new wall that is nothing but air) you can "join geometry" between the walls and the openings will transfer.

2006-07-25, 06:59 PM
I didn't even need to add any airspaces, and I got the walls joined and the window to cut both walls. I guess I just overlooked that. Thanks!