View Full Version : Tagging Occupancy calculations... ?

2006-07-27, 07:43 PM
Im working on a moderately scaled project, with a lot of tenant spaces that all need Occupancy calculations, and Exit door Calculations based on Room areas.

Now, the formulas for the values are very basic... On an area plan, ive created areas for each tenant. Then i created an area schedule, using Name, Number, and Area.

I created a calulated value CALC OCC = ((Area*.9)/30)+((Area*.1)/300)

I then figured the required exit count for the front and rear doors:


These all work just fine in the schedule, which is great for saving time, BUT... Now, in a Plan, im going to put a tag in the room with the SF and the CALC OCC, but right now my tag for this just uses dumb text lines.

Likewise, i have an exit arrow that goes by each door, with dumb text in it. Why cant i figure out how to make a tag with these values in them, so i can utilize my *smart model* more? Im guessing its somewhere in the shared parameters, but i cant figure out how to do it... I even tried using the Area Tag and saving as, and editing it, to no avil.

Help a quasi-newb out??

2006-07-27, 07:49 PM
Short answer... there is no direct way. You'll need to create an additional shared parameter column in your schedule and manually match the calculated values. This has been covered well in the forums so you might try searching to see some good examples of this.