View Full Version : What are the major differences between the different type of Polylines

2006-07-28, 12:05 PM
I know this is a pretty basic question, but I did not have an answer for the guy that asked me.

What are the major differences between:
2D Polyline
3D Polyline

3D polyline is pretty easy. What about the rest? Did I miss any? Short concise descriptions would be best to repeat to this guy. Thanks in advanced.

2006-07-28, 12:41 PM
A lightweight polyline takes less memory that a polyline.
A 2d polyline is any polyline that isn't a 3d polyline.
A 3d polyline cannot contain arcs or have width.

I think that's about it.

2006-07-28, 12:51 PM
Thanks John,

Pretty much what I had in my head, but I didn't want to miss something important.

2006-07-28, 01:02 PM
I know you wanted to keep it simple, but if this guys hits you up with any follow-up questions:

2d poly - stays on one specific plane (e.g. the whole entity is ONLY on the X axis, or Y axis, or Z axis, but never a combination of any)

3d poly - has the ability to use all three axis' with the same 3dpolyline.

of course, when you start popping in 3d polylines, expect you performance to take a nose-dive. (Mine does anyway)

just my 2C