View Full Version : P-III vs P4 in Revit

2003-06-09, 07:45 AM
Has anybody experienced the overall Revit performance difference between a P-III 667MHz and any of the latest P4 (2.8-3.06) ? Is it just about comfort, or maybe the P4 can be used for projects where the P-III is really unsuitable?

Is Revit well optimized for P4?

I'm just trying to guess if an upgrade will really help me or not.


2003-06-09, 04:17 PM
I haven't used Revit on a P4, but I use it on both a P-III 990 dual and an Athlon MP 1.5 dual. The Athlon MP is about the same as a P4, if I'm remembering correctly. Anyways, the difference is pretty significant, esp. when working in 3D with lots of view rotations and such with a complex model.

Henry D
2003-06-09, 05:27 PM
I use a P4 3.06 Mhz with 1 GB of Ram. The only time I'd like more speed is while rendering- other than that pans and screen regenerations are pretty quick even on complex models. I never owned a P3 so I can't give a comparison.

2003-06-09, 09:05 PM
I have noticed quite a difference from a P4 1.4 with 1 GB of RAM to a P4 2.8 with a GB of RAM and a GeForce fx 5200 with 128 MB RAM. (Open GL enabled).

2003-06-10, 09:28 AM
I'm waiting until my current project grows to a size unmanageable by my P-III (which is very likely to happen, as it's a big project). Then, I'll make time measurements in order to try to guess if the latest P4 could be enough for finishing the project.