View Full Version : Window Schedule: To Room does not show

2006-07-28, 07:18 PM
Among others, I have 6 occurrences of the same window. In the window schedule I see the Room Name in the From Room column for 4 of those windows. For the other two windows the field is blank. Why is this happening? I found a similar question in the forum (posted by sjohansenBSA), but the answers to that question do not help me. I would like to be able to manually update the field, but I cannot do that either. This is happening to some of my other windows (7 out of 74). I'll greatly appreciate your help on this issue. I'm using Revit release 9.


2006-07-30, 06:56 AM

It sounds like some windows could be "reversed " ie. opening side is on the other face of the wall.

Add a " From Room " field to check.

To manually enter similar information, create your own field - say " Location " as text.

Among others, I have 6 occurrences of the same window. In the window schedule I see the Room Name in the From Room column for 4 of those windows. For the other two windows the field is blank. Why is this happening? I found a similar question in the forum (posted by sjohansenBSA), but the answers to that question do not help me. I would like to be able to manually update the field, but I cannot do that either. This is happening to some of my other windows (7 out of 74). I'll greatly appreciate your help on this issue. I'm using Revit release 9.


2006-08-01, 03:23 PM
Thank you very much for your response. I had already included the "From Room" field and verified that the windows were on the correct face of the wall, but had no success. I then revised my room definitions which were not correct for the windows in questions; the windows were facing a non tagged room.
I didn't know about the "text" type field in a schedule, which is very valuable information indeed. Thanks again,
