View Full Version : CAD Standards Checker - not installed?

2006-07-29, 11:53 PM
I am still running AutoCAD 2006, and when I select Tools -- CAD Standards -- Configure, Instead of getting a dialogue box, I get:

_standards Unknown command "STANDARDS". Press F1 for help.

Also, when I try the Check Standards option, I get:

_checkstandards Unknown command "CHECKSTANDARDS". Press F1 for help.

The layer translater option does work, however. Do I need to reinstall a certain component? What else could be causing this? Thanks for any help on this.

2006-07-30, 02:35 AM

Is the ARX file acstd.arx loaded into AutoCAD ?

If no, try loading it, then run _.Standards OR _.CheckStandards

You could try a Repair Install.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-07-30, 04:18 AM
Is the ARX file acstd.arx loaded into AutoCAD ?
If no, try loading it,
MIke: Thanks for the response.

I searched my hard drive for that file, and didn't come up with anything. Sounds like a repair. (Maybe I should just wait for 2007, which I have on the way. . . )

2006-07-30, 04:29 AM
MIke: Thanks for the response.

I searched my hard drive for that file, and didn't come up with anything. Sounds like a repair. (Maybe I should just wait for 2007, which I have on the way. . . )Hi

No worries...

A Repair Install should only take a few minutes... but it's up to yourself.

Have a good one, Mike