View Full Version : Mirroring Entire Model (Elevation Annotations)

2006-07-31, 04:38 PM
I have recently taken on the task of mirroring an entire model from CD's. I have read multiple threads about this task and for everyone out there it is possible. It just takes a some clean up.

My question has to do with elevation annotations. Specificlly interior elevations. After mirroring the model and as much view and annotation work as possible. I find that most views will be duplicated which is nice because you can simple copy any info that was not coppied during the mirror process by refering back to the original.


I am finding that my interior elevation notations are pointing in the wrong direction but have a view line and depth which are in the right direction. How do I resolve this issue. Furthermore the annotation has a funky filled triangle inside the circle head. I understand slightly what is going on but don't know how to resolve the obscure elevation. I don't won't to move the original because I need it for its annotations and dimensioning. But I don't wont to loose my new elevation because it is calling things out exactlly how I want. It just does not annotate correctly.

Maybe I should just re created it. or Maybe someone has a solution.


2008-08-13, 10:40 PM
We are also having the same issue.

In some cases it is easier to recreate the view, and copy paste the annotations.

Hopefully this will get worked out.

I am going to file a Revit Support Request. I suggest you do the same.


Scott D Davis
2008-08-13, 11:20 PM
This topic was originally from 2006...we have the mirror project tool now in 2009.

2008-08-15, 12:52 AM
Yes we do have the tool - Revit 2009!

Both times i have used it, we have had problems with interior elevations.

The view box is flipped kinda-sorta. It is sometimes easier to create another elevation and copy paste annotations etc.
