View Full Version : Accessing data within Dynamic Blocks

2006-07-31, 06:50 PM
Anyone have any clue as to how we can access those tantalizing values in the custom properties?

I have trims and moldings, etc I want to access the 'length' parameter so I can specify the amount of molding to order for a specific application.

The DBs are perfect as they can break it up into 8' lengths and I can assemble the pieces in the model as they would in the field.

There are also various other blocks where this data would be quite helpful.

I have tinkered with it a bit but have yet to come to a solution.

I fear there is not a way to do it... at least not in ADT and I don't want to dig into cross linking VIA VBA/excel etc.

2006-07-31, 07:23 PM
Anyone have any clue as to how we can access those tantalizing values in the custom properties?

I have trims and moldings, etc I want to access the 'length' parameter so I can specify the amount of molding to order for a specific application.

The DBs are perfect as they can break it up into 8' lengths and I can assemble the pieces in the model as they would in the field.

There are also various other blocks where this data would be quite helpful.

I have tinkered with it a bit but have yet to come to a solution.

I fear there is not a way to do it... at least not in ADT and I don't want to dig into cross linking VIA VBA/excel etc.have you tried the 'attribute extraction' wizard found under the Tools drop-down menu? you should be able to access all the block properties in that.

2006-07-31, 07:59 PM
I thought about that - and using fields as attributes- which kind of works- but it would be super nice to incorporate the data into schedules. If I can get it into schedules I can manipulate it seven ways to sunrise.

Working in AC2k7/ADT and haven't done attributes in a while (I have been trying to avoid going backwards)

I will look at the attribute extraction again- I was hoping for something a bit more live.

Kind of teasing to have the properties there and unattainable...


2006-07-31, 08:07 PM
I thought about that - and using fields as attributes- which kind of works- but it would be super nice to incorporate the data into schedules. If I can get it into schedules I can manipulate it seven ways to sunrise.

Working in AC2k7/ADT and haven't done attributes in a while (I have been trying to avoid going backwards)

I will look at the attribute extraction again- I was hoping for something a bit more live.

Kind of teasing to have the properties there and unattainable...

R.this is a 'live' method. it uses tables that are constantly linked, and can use templates. you can also do quantities and incorporate various 'block properties', even the flip states!

are you thinking of the 'excel' style of attribute extraction that was 'R12' style?

2006-07-31, 08:24 PM
LOL- Yuppers!

I have been stuck in property mode too long.

I will take a closer look at it.

I basically assign
-an (invisible) attribute
-to carry the value of a <length> field property
-and then create an ADT schedule linked to those attributes


2006-08-22, 10:03 PM

So I got the attribute extraction going into tables... and I can probably figure out the calculated fields (for later).

For now - how can I apply a seperate tag- like a schedule tag- to attach itself to the object.

I am trying to take advantage of AutoCADs ability to tag objects wherever (including through viewports in paperspace- Perspectives included) to set up labeling schemes (eg. a cabinet with XYZ properties and CustomCallout can show either the {ID} tag (EG a hexagon with a number in it) or the descriptive callout of the cabinet (EG "DB36")

Any ideas where I need to look for a tag of this sort? The key is to keep all the data dynamic- and updateable.and linked so that when we go to schedule the cabinets all the data has a one-to-one relationship.

I don't want to have to customize a VBA app to fill in the attributes as I go or crosslink the info from porperties into the attributes or vice versa.

If I have to I will tho. : )

TIA! : )

2006-08-23, 02:37 PM
"For now - how can I apply a seperate tag- like a schedule tag- to attach itself to the object.

I am trying to take advantage of AutoCADs ability to tag objects wherever (including through viewports in paperspace- Perspectives included) to set up labeling schemes (eg. a cabinet with XYZ properties and CustomCallout can show either the {ID} tag (EG a hexagon with a number in it) or the descriptive callout of the cabinet (EG "DB36")

Any ideas where I need to look for a tag of this sort? The key is to keep all the data dynamic- and updateable.and linked so that when we go to schedule the cabinets all the data has a one-to-one relationship."
TIA! : )

I have a few questions just for my clarity. When you say a separate tag, I am assuming this tag is not included in the dynamic block, just referencing it, correct? When you use this tag, it needs to include all of the xyz properties & the cabinet id. Do they all need to be seen or plotted?

I have created a data block in my office for schedules. The block contains 8 attributes. the first is visible and is for the item name / ID. The next 7 attributes are all invisible and are the typical dimensions. Length, Width, Height, etc. they are all linked fields so they stay up to date. So for every block I have a data block that also works as the callout for the item. Since they are all the same block name, creating a table & sorting is easy. The use of the invisible attribute also can be toggled on and off. That way when the user is working on the file they can see the changes taking place and check their work. Toggle it back off and then print the final plot.

I hope this helps.

2006-08-23, 06:35 PM
I am assuming this tag is not included in the dynamic block, just referencing it, correct?


When you use this tag, it needs to include all of the xyz properties & the cabinet id. Do they all need to be seen or plotted?

>For intensive purposes - yes. Depending on the view or ps/ms the tags will be plotted with the drawings.

I have created a data block in my office for schedules. The block contains 8 attributes. the first is visible and is for the item name / ID. The next 7 attributes are all invisible and are the typical dimensions. Length, Width, Height, etc. they are all linked fields so they stay up to date. So for every block I have a data block that also works as the callout for the item. Since they are all the same block name, creating a table & sorting is easy. The use of the invisible attribute also can be toggled on and off. That way when the user is working on the file they can see the changes taking place and check their work. Toggle it back off and then print the final plot.

I hope this helps.

>Indeed it does... Just needed the light to go on- schedule a single item- not the endire drawing (well duh...) the only questions remains- can I tag thru viewports in PS to MSpace... tried it- and unfortunately no...

Looks like I may end up doing a VBA to scan the drawing- and populate corresponding properties if the property name corresponds with attribute names within a particular block with the properties (WHEW~ That outta keep me veeeery busy - so much for the non-custom route....)

Anyone with other suggestions? Comments? Snyde remarks ? (jk-LOL : )

2006-08-23, 07:22 PM
You might find this thread of interest: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=42865

2006-08-23, 09:52 PM
What exactly do you mean tag thru paperspace & modelspace? Do you want the tags in paper but the objects in model? I am not understanding that part. I have found that with the change space routine Fields stay linked in paperspace after being linked in modelspace.

2006-08-23, 09:59 PM
Correct. You could place the block initially in Model Space. After you are done tagging, you could run the CHSPACE command to move the tags to Paper Space. The links will remain in the Fields.

2006-08-24, 03:04 AM
Dynamic Block Heads- read it- nice thought but it has its issues... as does any solution wiht AC2kx these days (sighs...)

Looking for a more concise solution.

I need a more transparent tag-n-go. If I could tag directly from paperspace that is one thing- but I am unsure how many users can deal with the ins and outs of tagging in perspective.. I am not even sure I can tag in perspective in Modelspace... and if so- how does one set the plane for the tags to rest?

Nice thought though-

Thre reason being- we generate perspectives from the 3d drawings we generate. We tag in plan, elevation and perspective to help clients adn installers pinpoint what they heck they are looking at.

Before - the folks at my work just labled stuff- and when somethign changed... well you can imagine tracking through jobs with some 120+ cabinets in it- things get a little lost... so a coordinated effort was required.

Any other ideas or suggestions- I like the thought process going on and it is appreciated : )


2006-08-24, 02:25 PM
here's a thought based on your last post, since you may have duplicate tags on a sheet due to multiple perspectives of the same thing.

don't make a table using tags. create a table & template based on your cabinetry itself! you can have attributes & fields calling out the casework on a 'non plot' layer, then just match the decorative markers in paperspace to the cabinet. this way you won't have to worry about duplicate tag references, and if someone screws up a tag placement, well.... at least your cabinetry should be drawn and listed correctly...