View Full Version : Column display - imported structure

2006-07-31, 07:25 PM
I have a project with the structure modeled in a linked project. When I import the structure, I need to hide the gridlines, so I've just told the view in question in the host file not do display any annotation from the linked file. Before I do this, the columns look right, but after, I get the attached image. Any idea what the blue circle and dot are, and how to turn them off?

(While uploading the file, I got an error because the max image size is 620x280. Is this new???)

2006-07-31, 07:32 PM
AUGI fixes everything!!

I don't know what kind of gremlins I've caught, but right after I posted the above, I went back to fiddle and try to figure out what was going on. The only thing that I did that I hadn't done before was change the display of Model entities in the linked file from "By host view" to "Custom", and then back again. Now the blue bits are gone. WTF? Perhaps there's a logic error in Revit (or in me), and changing the display of model entities got everything coordinated or something. Or not.

Jason Shirriff
2009-11-13, 07:49 PM
I am having this same problem but here we are 3 years later in 2009.
I tried to switch back and forth between "by host view" and "custom" but the blueish dots did not turn off.
Can someone tell me how to fix it so the blueish dots and circles do not appear?

2009-11-14, 01:38 AM
The blue dots are the Analytical Model subcategory under the Structural Columns category. You can only see/select that category if you check the box to view categories from all disciplines. If you switch the linked model's view settings to Custom in a view, you'll have to turn that category off.

Scott Womack
2009-11-16, 12:41 PM
I don't know what kind of gremlins I've caught, but right after I posted the above, I went back to fiddle and try to figure out what was going on. The only thing that I did that I hadn't done before was change the display of Model entities in the linked file from "By host view" to "Custom", and then back again. Now the blue bits are gone. WTF? Perhaps there's a logic error in Revit (or in me), and changing the display of model entities got everything coordinated or something. Or not.

Once you set the linked file to custom, it stopped using the display setting for object in your file. When I set up linked structural files, I turn off all model objects in the linked file, except for floors, columns, beams. beam systems, trusses, walls and foundations. I would have previously coordinated with my structural so that he divides up his walls into Above grade, and below grade walls. When I load his file I do not load the above grade walls workset at all.

All of the above categories need to be set to medium or fine detail level, and I override the columns in plans, and the beams, trusses, foundations in sections making the lines be black, and the cut patterns be what I want. These settings can be saved in a series of view templates to speed up the settings of the remaining views.